Siôn Smith is a writer/songwriter and podcaster who has an appetite for stringing subjects together often using nothing but blu-tack and spit: pop-culture, music, travel, the supernatural, crime novels, the natural world, dirty realism and art all fall easily under the hammer... often in the same essay. He doesn’t like writing in the third person so I’m not going to do it anymore.

I’m probably best known (if at all) for my books - Black Dye White Noise, The Language of Thieves & Vagabonds, The Day The Sky Fell Down, Cities of the Dead, The Family Of Noise and Scenes From The Coffee House - most of which you can find at my Bad Hare book store or on my amazon page here.

I’ve also got a track record as a magazine editor of over 17 years (Skin Deep tattoo magazine for 12 years/Burn and Zero music magazines for five years. Once upon a time, smart people at CNN, BBC and SKY called on me to comment on things.

Let’s have some of that in numbers: I’ve written over 500 articles, edited/published over 200 magazines, written well over 1000 ‘incidental things’, been on TV/radio a dozen times, written 16 books and interviewed more people than I can actually remember but a ballpark figure would be at least 500.

I write longhand with a Waterman and songs with a Gretsch Black Falcon acoustic. I was once described as 'Byronesque' which may be the nicest thing anybody ever said about me.

Aside from my twin loves of books and music, I get my kicks from old monster movies, airports, coffee and trailing around the countryside with Hector for miles a day. I run a minimalist mindset and own just twelve things because you should never own so much that you can't leave town in 24 hours with your world in the back of the car.